Situations are vacant in our following departmnets:  

Tax and Accounts

    Who can apply

  • Chartered Accountants,
  • ACCA having experiance to plead the Income Tax and sales tax cases before tax authorties.
  • Bcome or Mcom who hold the two years experiance to maintain the Books of accounts of industries in software,
  • For trainees minimum qualification requirement is BCOM, Fresh MCom can also be applied,



    Who can apply

  • MSC Computer sciences having two years software development experiance,
  • BSC computer sciences having two years software development experiance in and asp .net,
  • Graduates in software engineering who can devlop the apps in android studio,
  • Fresh graduates can only be applied for the post of trainee.


Data Entries

    Who can apply

  • Holding the qualification of BCOM.
  • and having the atleast one year experiance in any accounts department


Canidates are required to sent your CV by email or feel free to contact us on the following: