We provide our expertise in following:
Application Softwares,
Development of customised software for all types of industries,
Internet database integration,
System analysis and design,
Designing and development of dynamic and static web sites,
Decision support system,
ERP solutions,
Cloud base ERP System,
Database designing,
Network services,
Legacy application re-engineering with .NET,
Andriod and Windows phone application development,
Data management solution development with reporting & analysis
Que Mangement System
Customers collection andriod apps
Custmers order taking andriod apps
Sales order Booking apps
Point of Sales softwars web base and desktop applications
Resturants order taking andriod app
Time office management system
HR Payroll managment system
Employee's Provident Fund Mangement System
Poultry Farm web based applications
Dairy farming industries
Feed Production units
Hatchery/poultry breading units
Database audit